In Portugal, the NISS, an acronym for Número de Identificação da Segurança Social, plays an essential role in the country's social security system. It is a unique number assigned to each individual who pays contributions or receives social benefits. Here are the details of its importance.
The NISS functions as an identification key that enables individuals to access a wide range of social services, which you can find out more about at
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The NISS is essential for paying social security contributions in Portugal. It is used to track contributions paid and to determine entitlement to subsequent benefits.
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The NISS is required to apply for and receive various social benefits, such as health insurance, family allowances, retirement pensions and unemployment benefits.
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The NISS allows you to access various Portuguese social security online services, such as consulting your personal file, changing your personal details and applying for benefits.
The procedure for obtaining the Niss in Portugal differs depending on whether you are a Portuguese citizen or a foreigner residing in Portugal.
The Niss is generally issued to all Portuguese newborns at birth. Parents do not need to do anything special, as the number is automatically created and issued by the authorities.
Foreign nationals, whether EU or non-EU citizens, must apply for a Niss if they wish to work or live in Portugal.
The application must be made to a local Portuguese Social Security centre (Centro Nacional de Pensões or Centro Distrital de Segurança Social). You will need the following documents
Once a complete application has been submitted, a provisional Niss is usually issued within a few days. The definitive Niss with Social Security identity card is then sent by post within a few weeks.
The Niss for foreign nationals must be renewed regularly, often every 1 to 2 years depending on the type of residence permit. Proof of status (employment contract, etc.) is then required.
It is essential for all foreign nationals to have a Niss in order to be able to work legally, pay tax and social security contributions, and benefit from social security cover in Portugal.